Introducing iSupply’s ‘Sustainable Printing Solutions’ Initiative

Navigating UN SDGs and Galway’s Climate Action Plan


iSupply is delighted to announce the launch of our new “Sustainable Printing Solutions” knowledge-sharing initiative! We aim to share a post a week, highlighting various topics relating to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. 


Sustainability is one of iSupply’s three key pillars in this phase of the company’s development. We understand that the printing and design industry has the potential to negatively impact the environment if not managed properly. 

For this reason, we are placing a key emphasis on sustainable practices, transparency, and diligence when it comes to the impact we make on our planet. The sharing of knowledge is a crucial factor in delivering real and lasting change to the world, and aiding people to understand the impact that they are making helps to make these topics more digestible. We all have a part to play in making the world a better place, and iSupply is committed to helping our customers understand the benefits of choosing sustainably produced and sourced products. 


Our “Sustainable Printing Solutions” knowledge-sharing initiative will be kicking off with a series of posts discussing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These are a group of 17 world-recognised goals which are at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and are intended to act as a guide for countries, organisations, and communities. Ireland, being an adopter and promoter of the agenda, as well as being a participator in binding international treaties such as the Paris Climate Agreement, is fully invested in achieving these goals. Ireland is due to reduce its carbon emissions by 51% come 2030, which will require significant focus and effort on everyone’s part, including us at iSupply.


The UN SDGs also transfer down to a local scale, with the Galway County Council laying out how they intend to achieve their goals in the 2024-2029 Local Authority Climate Action Plan. As a Galway institution, and with clients based all over Galway, our impact can be felt throughout the community. Therefore it is our duty to do all we can to help Galway and its people reach their goals and surpass them. As we expand our business throughout Ireland and beyond, we want to carry these goals with us and set high standards wherever we go. 


In this series, we will be focusing on the 6 UN SDGs that have been chosen as being the most applicable to our practices and individual goals here at iSupply. If you are curious about the UN SDGs, or Galway’s climate action plan, we highly recommend that you have a look at the links below. 


If you have any questions or suggestions of topics you would like us to cover, please reach out to our eco-sustainability lead Dylan at [email protected]. Stay tuned for more “Sustainable Printing Solutions” knowledge sharing!